Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Is there anybody there?

In the midst of a bout of bed-avoiding procrastination I've happened upon this little blog again, lying neglected in the age of facebook and myspace, unused and unwanted like an old worn toy. But like an old, dusty toy I will pick it up again, give it a polish and allow it a second (or third) chance at life. Is anybody out there though, reading the thoughts of a late night thinker?

Is there anybody out there?

A question that could just as well be applied to the quest of humans, searching for the meaning to their short, insignificant lives. Is there anything or anyone out there to bring some meaning to life? Because really, if there isn't, I'd quite like to stop now, thank you very much. Although life can be pleasant and fun sometimes, the sadness, disappointment and boredom of other times outweighs those positives, and if there is no meaning to my existence then I'd quite like to just stop here and go no further.

The question to the meaning of life is answered by many people in a variety of ways. Meaning and purpose are gained through family//friends//work//ambition//success//fame//love//status

//money//fun//spider solitare...(just me then). But really, at the end of it all, what do these things gain a person. All the love, fame and money in the world will not solve the one problem common to all mankind, death - the one obstacle that cannot be skirted. It cannot be bribed with money, intimidated by status, overcome with friends or laughed at in enjoyment. It remains. The final punctuation on a life. The ultimate statistic, 1 out of 1 people die. It cuts off a life from its neighbours leaving only a memory, a poor reflection of a character, soon forgotten, however high a level in the fame game has been reached. A cheery thought for 1.20 in the morning.

//Choice-continue to live with some aim or realize that without an aim life is meaningless and might as well not be//

However, I will go on (and hope that you will too). There is a written account of a man who lived over 2000 years ago who too wrestled with this question of life’s meaning. He was a man who had excelled in human terms, was rich, clever, and powerful (possibly a king). He had time to spare to put his mind to the question of why he was alive. In pursuit of purpose he allowed himself any pleasure he should desire, food, drink, sex, accomplishing grand projects, enjoying nature, amassing great wealth and enjoying his power. What more could a human want-riches, pleasure, fame and security? But after indulging in these things this great thinker came to the conclusion that ‘everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind’ and that nothing had been gained by them. Next he tried exercising his wisdom but realised that although it is better to be a wise man than a fool, the same fate overcomes them both - death. So why be wise, it gains nothing?

People often live to make the world a better place for those after them, or those in worse conditions than wealthy westerners, a decent aim to be sure, and one that appears to give fulfillment. But does it gain anything more than someone who lives a selfish life giving no thought to fellow man? No, both end for each individual in death. So although ‘doing good things’ are undoubtedly…good, they don’t gain YOU anything. (And if all we are is a product of evolutionary selection, we should selfishly be desiring our own good anyway.)

Logically, without a meaning to life, there is no reason to live it. Arguably apparent lack of meaning does not necessarily suggest that there is meaning to be found. Maybe we are just to amble along, trying to live ‘good’ lives and enjoy it while we can, but to me that’s not enough, and if that is all there is then what’s the point? But why don’t we come to this conclusion and decide to end life more often//why are we still here struggling through sad times and hard times just to reach old age and let nature do for us what we could do and save ourselves the grief?

Again this over 2000 years ago guy has some thoughts on this. Looking around him at the world and his life he saw that everything was meaningless. ‘”Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless!”’. But he also saw that there are some things in life that are better than others, he noted that it is better to work than not to, and it is better to be wise than to be a fool. There is apparent order and meaning to life. We see it and that is why we don’t just end life- we see that there are some good things, some things more meaningful than others and that there must be some meaning.

Have you found that meaning? What is it that you are living for and will it gain you anything in the long run? Take a moment to forget about things of triviality and think on the big question because there really isn’t anything more important.

The author of the book of Wisdom concluded that there is nothing meaningful under the sun, on earth, in the absence of God no meaning can be found. But there are signs of meaning ‘above’ the sun, there are fingerprints of a creator God on life. Read the book, it’s short, fantastic, and ruthlessly honest. It’s called Ecclesiastes and is in the Bible. Search for meaning, ask 'is there anybody out there' and let me know what you think. I think yes.
